We got around to discussing a number of other things. I was appalled at her lack of awareness of basic dialysis concepts. For example, though she probably knew that she must drink less fluid, she had no idea about ultrafiltration that happens during dialysis, why she cramps during sessions and the concepts of fluid weight gain. She had been thinking she must eat less to reduce her weight gain between sessions as advised by the technicians. Poor girl! She was emaciated!
This really goes to show the abysmal level of education being provided by our doctors and medical professionals to dialysis patients. I was bemoaning the lack of options being provided to us. That is much more to ask for than basic education. Better education, I can guarantee will improve compliance.
You, my dear medical professional, have no right to lecture us on fluid weight gain and non-adherence to the renal diet when you don't so much as goddamned care about letting me know what we should know!
... http://www.kamaldshah.com/2012/03/ignorance-about-basic-dialysis-concepts.html